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About the Region 4 Team

The Region 4 Planning and Development Council began operations on July 1, 1973 in Summersville, West Virginia. The Council began its work with a small staff and concentrated its efforts almost entirely in the area of technical assistance to local governments.

As the concept of regionalism became better defined on both the state and local levels, the Council began to expand its duties and increase the staff accordingly. In addition to the technical assistance to local governments in the areas of community and economic development, the Council became actively involved in regional planning for the needs and future development of the five county area it serves.

The Council has continued to be successful. Many projects are being funded and the results of the efforts of the Regional Council in the mid to late seventies show fruits of increased growth and economic activity. Regional development through local community and economic development remains a top priority of the Council and staff.

The Council staff provides technical assistance in project development and prepares many grant and loan applications to pursue funding. Upon funding approval, the staff has responded to the need for project administration as requested by our local units of government.

Our Services

Region 4 gives technical assistance to Fayette, Greenbrier, Nicholas, Pocahontas and Webster Counties and the municipalities contained within. The goal of R4PDC, as a whole, is to comprehensively plan for the economic growth of the Region, but generally focus on the facilitation and administration of infrastructure, especially water, wastewater, and other community development projects. We are also charged with the duties of administering the Fayette/Raleigh Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Our Staff

John Tuggle, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304)872-4970 x307

Lesley Taylor, Senior Project Specialist

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304)872-4970 x302

Donna Ward, Financial Manager

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304) 872-4970 x305

Cassandra Lawson, Senior Project Specialist

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304)872-4970 x303

Amanda Smarr, Project Assistant/GIS Coordintor

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304)872-4970 x301

Jamie Baker, Project Assistant

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304)872-4970 x304

Donna Norman, Part-time Employee

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304) 872-4970

Kaleb Armentrout, Project Assistant

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. (304) 872-4970 x314

Betsy Morris, Project Specialist

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. 304-872-4970 x313

Marilyn Guerrero, GIS Technician/Project Assistant

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. 304-872-4970 x311

Natasha Winals, Administrative Assistant

Email: [email protected]
Phone/Ext. 304-872-4970 x300

Contact Us

Region 4 Planning and Development Council Office

885 Broad Street, Suite 100
Summersville, WV 26651

Tel: (304) 872-4970
Fax: (304) 872-1012

Monday-Friday: 8:30-4:30

Region 4 Planning and Development Council is a proud member of the West Virginia Association of Regional Councils